ProMetal A/S is Achilles certified. Furthermore, we have our own quality control system, that ensures we follow the ISO9001.
We can deliver all our products with full third party certification and in regard to specifications and standards like e.g.:
- PED 97/23/EC
- GHOST (Approved for Russia)
- MOTS (Maersk specifications)
- ATEX approval
- SIL classification
CO2 neutral
ProMetal has invested in the making of solar cell parks that yearly produces 558,174,000 kWh, as well as saves the environment for 394,713,302 kilo CO2 a year.
Naturally, we are very proud of contributing to the UN World Goals no. 7 (affordable and clean energy) and no. 13 (climate action).
You can find our investment diploma (in Danish) right here.